Top 10 List of Week 01

1. What is VirtualBox / Virtual Machine

VirtualBox is an application that can support the creation of guest virtual machines such as Linux. The app allows the user to load multiple guest operation systems under a single host OS. The user is given the freedom to start, pause, or stop within the virtual machine.

This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIVXjl4SwVo) showed a me a simple understanding of what a virtual machine is. The video’s main purpose is to explain what is a Virtual Machine in only 3 minutes, so it is presented with easy language. It is a interesting video because whilist giving the viewer useful information, it also includes interesting visuals and graphics throughout the video so it is easy to understand. So basically it explains that a Virtual Machine such as VirtualBox, is a software that runs operating system within an existing operating system.

2. Linux Operation System

Linux is the most used open source operating system. Linux is similar with other operating systems; it has a graphical interface and the same types of software we are accustomed to. Although the core systems are common, Linux is customizable because the many distributions of it.

I think the best website to explain Linux as an whole is https://opensource.com/resources/linux because it guides you with basic Q&A about Linux operating system that is not to long and easy to undertand.

3. Debian

Debian is a Linux distribution composed of free and open-source software. Debian is considered as the most popular among the other distributions because it produces high quality, stable, and scalable distribution. It is also easy to install and uninstall.

Ubuntu’s official website (https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/s390x/ch01s02.html) explains a lot about Debian and it can be said ‘short’ but provides a lot of useful information.

4. Virtual Memory in Operating System

Virtual Memory is a storage allocation scheme. It is a technique that is implemented using both hardware and software. It maps memory addresses using virtual addresses into the physical addresses in computer memory. It can “create the illusion to users of a very large memory”.

https://www.tutorialspoint.com/operating_system/os_virtual_memory.htm is a complete explanation of what an Operating System Virtual Memory is. It shows complex, yet easy to read information and also graphics to help the reader visualize it better.

5. Virtualization

Virtualization is the process of running a virtual instance of a computer system in a layer abstracted from the actual hardware. The common use of virtualization is to run applications meant for different operating system without have to switch computers.

I learned and have a good read of Virtualization from its wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualization) because it gave me the complete information about Virtualization from the definition, history, usage through the years, and more.

6. Virtualization: Pros

Advantages of using virtual machines are you can use multiple operating system environments on the same computer, able to create a virtual hard disk, provided with an ISA (instruction set architecture), and also some security benefits. For example, if you need to run an application of questionable security, you can run it in a guest operating system. So, if the application causes damage, then it will be only temporary after the guest is shut down.

This website https://vittana.org/14-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-virtualization gives me a complete and long list about each advantage and disadvantage of Virtualization. I think it’s also a good read to make those who curious understand because it gives examples of each pros and cons of Virtualization.

7. Virtualization: Cons

Using a virtual machine are less efficient than real machines because it accesses the hardware indirectly. Because it runs the software on top of the host operating system and that slows the usability. The other disadvantage is if the user runs several virtual machines together it may hinder the performance if the host computer lacks sufficient power.

https://www.hitechwhizz.com/2020/05/advantages-and-disadvantages-drawbacks-and-benefits-of-virtualization.html also gives a list of pros and cons of Virtualization, the difference is that the information in the page is more short and more easy to read.

8. Cloud Operating System

A cloud operating system is a type of operating system designed to operate within cloud computing and virtualization environments. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is an instant computing infrastructure, provisioned and managed over the internet. It’s one of the four types of cloud services, along with software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and serverless.

https://rubygarage.org/blog/iaas-vs-paas-vs-saas provides a simple understanding about Cloud Operating System and also definitions of each cloud OS’s and also give real world analogies to them.

9. Virtual File System

Modern operating system is able to implement multiple system files in the same time, one of the techniques is using VFS (Virtual File System). The idea of using VFS is inserting information on the kernel to represent the system. A VFS specifies an interface between the kernel and a concrete file system. So, for every system call such as read(), write(), open(), etc. the kernel will substitute it into a real function that is owned by the system itself.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_file_system gives a simple yet complete information about Virtual File System.

10. Regex

Regex is the short for regular expression. It is a string of text that allows the user to create patterns in order to manage the text. Regex seems like different language to users that are new to it, however mastering regular expressions can save you time if you need to parse large amounts of data. But not all programs share the same regular expressions, they do share similarities, though.

I found the complete information about Regex from the definiton, concepts, history, and examples of Regular Expression in its wikipedia page that is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression